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FC-PCSU-2000 is essential part of an industrial size storage test battery in Aigle
The energy storage system in Aigle has a capacity of 2.5 megawatt-hours (MWh) and a power output of 2 megawatts (MW).
This lithium-ion battery system combined with Indrivetecs containerized power conversion system unit FC-PCSU-2000 will optimize the local use of the region’s abundant solar production
The System is successful in operation since 28.08.2020 .
Support of the Swiss embassy for new markets
Indrivetec AG participated for the first
time on the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week in the United Arab Emirates
and would like connect energy storage systems with photovoltaic
installations in the middle east future market.
At the Swiss
joint exhibition stand SWISS Pavilion, the large number of visitors were
highly interested of the energy storage products and references from
Indrivetec AG.
A highlight was the visit of the Swiss ambassador
to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Massimo Baggi, who attends the
interests of Swiss companies in these regions.